Due to rapid increase in technology gigantic amount of data is created everyday. As we know that these vast amount is shared among various cloud servers. So data confidentiality becomes crucial as it is necessary to maintain privacy to clients data. Secondly, another important service is integrity if the servers cannot handle assault which are intentionally or not but data must be protected from such activities and lastly availability. It means that the user or client could access it data from anywhere at anytime. This app of given encryption algorithm model is to provide a base to all the security problem faced by the cloud service providers.
Flask Framework
Flask is a web framework. It is the most successful python micro framework. As it is a web framework it help us to build web application. Secondly, it is used for backend, but it makes use of a templating language called Jinja2 which is used to create HTML, XML or other markup formats that are returned to the user via an HTTP request.
The system is basically combination of three services they are Flask, SQL server, Encryption algorithms. Basically the flask framework is used to make the services user-friendly so that the modal looks attractive and convenient. The modal is based on cloud server so all the files and user data and accounts are stored and handled by cloud storage now for the security of the files they are encrypted through cross-breed algorithm so it becomes arduous to assault files and data remains safe. Now basically lets us try to understand the working of model with a flowchart given below.
Encryption Mechanism
Main motive of our proposed model is to provide certified security to cloud storages for that hybrid cryptosystem is used. Mainly all the data are encrypted with the help of encryption algorithms the encryption mechanism uses three algorithms with file splitting and merging techniques. The algorithms are:
AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
Triple DEA (Data Encryption Algorithm)
Now a days security of any information is more important. Security is a big deal of any company because any user not want to leak their private information. Therefore Hybrid cryptography is more important for security. There is one benefit of hybrid cryptography is that every level of encryption is more secure. I think now a days information is more important and then store the data with security is more challenging task